Monday, April 20, 2009

Not Me Monday

No Matter What else anybody says NONE of this stuff happened at the MULKEY house.

1. No it has not been 4 weeks since I've written a post.

2. No it was not because the stinkin Verizon people took WEEKS to get our internet up. 

3. No, Riley did not get dedicated at church with his cousin Ryan

And NO he did not pray when Pastor Rod prayed for him.

4. No we did not take Riley to the park to look at the ducks, and no he did not just thinks the ducks were whatever. No he was not caring about the camera more than the ducks. Not our Riley.

No he did not love the swings, but no he didn't just sit there and not never.

No he did not have fun with Mommy and Daddy at the park.

5. No we did not have a great time on Easter at church and with both sides of the family at my Grandmas. No our church is not slow on putting the Easter pictures up and no there are not tons of cute ones with Riley. No I will not post them as soon as I see them!

6. No Riley is not crawling everywhere and getting to all the toys he wants and everything else. No he is not getting into everything when I turn my back for one second! 

No he is not pulling himself up on everything and walking while holding onto things. 

No I do not think he's gonna be walking at like 9 or 10 months.

7. No Riley does not have 5 teeth! No it does not hurt when he chomps down on your finger.

8. No my son is not a ham at church with the camera.

9. No this is not my father in law. All of my family is totally normal and would never do anything out of the ordinary.

10. No my son is not hiding his little thing with a duck. And no I am not one of those parents that put naked pictures of her children on her blog. Not me!

11.  No the boys did not go offroading yesterday while the girls went shopping at Cabazon. 

NO connor did NOT get his truck stuck in a hole and we had to pull him out!

No Michael did not run over a snake 4 times to kill it so he could bring it home and scare his wife and her friends (christian did most of the scaring not at all)

No it was not hot and no our kids did not try to get out of our strollers.

No we did not go back and have pizza and just hang out with friends.

No Riley was not playing with Baylee's doll.

No Tommy did not get mad that Riley was playing with a doll and no Riley did not then go take away the truck from Baylee to prove to his Daddy that he was a real boy!

12. No I do not sit Riley in the sink so I can get ready. No he does not LOVE looking at himself!

13. No Riley is not drumming everything he can get his hands on. No we do not think he's gonna have musical ability like his parents.