Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Does anyone else that has had more than one kid feel like the second pregnancy goes by super fast, you don't remember how far along you are, and it's just very different?

I mean obviously it's gonna be different since I am busy with Riley and everything but with him I guess I just had more time to think about it all the time, I knew exactly how far along I was with him...ect. It's funny cause everyone always forgets I'm pregnant cause we're so busy with Riley. I'm so excited for this baby though. I want to give enough attention to this pregnancy as I did with Riley...it's just different though.

Just a few thoughts about my pregnancy...it's totally more tiring cause of being so busy with work, the house, Riley, ect...but it's good.

Can't wait to find out what we're having. One week from Thursday we find out!

What do you think it is? Boy or girl?


Rebekah H said...

Both! lol, j/k. Hopefully a girl, right?

Unknown said...

I think you're more at peace the second time around. It's not that you care less about Baby #2 or anything, it's just that you understand so much more and you are way more in tune with your body this time than the first time. I would chalk it up to experience. You are just as thrilled for Baby #2, you are just less thrilled with the experience of being pregnant, too. You've been there, done the pregnancy thing and it's not scary and it's not new. You are more at peace with it and following a toddler around also makes you forget about how barfy you feel. ;)
That's my humble opinion.